Better by Degrees

Mom is improving by degrees--in temperature, oxygen sat levels, and symptoms. The headache has been gone for two days, and the fever has stayed in the 99-degree range for nearly that long. Her oxygen sat was 100% this morning! Whoohoo! She is still taking HCQ and Zithromax. 

It has been one week since she first exhibited symptoms. We're knocking it out of the park!

This week our local paper ran another sad front-page article about a local school-bus driver who looked like Santa Claus. He had died of COVID, and the paper again took advantage of the situation to push the vax. The sub-heading emphasized a quote from his relatives, that "He should have been vaccinated." He was about to get vaxxed when he became sick and died. How heart-breaking. Seriously. 

What's heart-breaking is that the bus driver, who was never married and in his 60s, was clearly obese. It might have helped if the journalist had asked these questions of the relatives: Did he have diabetes or underlying conditions? Did he eat a healthy diet? Did he take the supplements recommended to prevent COVID from becoming serious--zinc, Vitamin D and C, quercetin, colloidal silver, NAC, or selenium? Any at all? Did he keep a store of ivermectin or HCQ on hand in case of exposure? If so, did he take any of them after he become ill? Did he own an oximeter? But no, they don't ask those questions; it's always and only about the vaccine. 

But do you think the paper will run a front page story about my mother? "91-YEAR-OLD FULLY-VACCINATED, MASK-WEARING WOMAN CATCHES COVID--AND SURVIVES AT HOME WITH MEDS THAT THE CDC AND OHA FROWNS ON." Not likely--she doesn't fit the meta-narrative. And it doesn't sell papes.

Mom is a svelt 111 pounds at 5'3". She eats right. She has been taking all of the natural supps at my urging, and we have kept a store of ivermectin and HCQ in the house for the last year, dosing whenever we were exposed.  

She had been twice-vaccinated with the Moderna vax, five months previous to catching COVID--probably the Delta variant. Some might say the vax kept her from dying. Maybe so, maybe no.  I just know that it was NOT an option in my mind--in fact, it would have been criminal--to let her languish with a fever, congestion and a positive COVID test, at 91 years of age with high blood pressure, without medication...until she was on death's door. 

Now the CDC admits the vaccine only lessens symptoms, it doesn't guarantee that you won't catch it or spread it. How many of us in the general public were aware that at the time of the Emergency Approval of the vaccines by the FDA, the pharma companies had ONLY provided evidence of reduced symptoms by the vaccines, NOT of preventing infection, disease, or spread? And that was sufficient to satisfy the FDA? 

When they said, "It's 95% effective," did they only mean "effective at reducing symptoms"? Why didn't they qualify their claims more accurately in their press releases? 

What kind of social contract is this? 

Watch this very informative video, or read the text of this interview with the clear-thinking Dr. Robert Malone, developer of the mRNA technology. 

If you haven't gotten your supply of ivermectin or HCQ for home treatment, please get them legally, via prescription, through a doctor here, and be well-informed with these protocols by MDs here or here.  It doesn't help anyone if you buy horse paste and wing it on your own. The media will have a heyday if you end up in the hospital. 

Oh, and did you hear in the news that there's been a COVID outbreak at the local Christian private school yesterday?? YEAH...except, not. The administrator, when asked by phone, said they had ONE CASE, and they were isolating the group that had been exposed. So much for trustworthy news.


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