A long slog

 Mom is really weak. Her fever is stuck around 99.5--not bad, but not improving either. Her wet cough, loss of taste, and low-grade fever are what remain, and the fatigue. She didn't bother to shower and dress today, as she has the last three days, to conserve her energy. I'm down to my last two HCQs, my ivermectin was gone long ago, and I'm waiting to hear from a telemed doctor to know what to do next, whether we continue on either med or just work on boosting her energy.  She was yearning protein shakes today, so I mixed up one with cocoa powder, protein powder, eggs, yogurt, and milk, which she drank with pleasure. I am considering picking up some Floradix, which has iron and B complex in liquid form. She is declining the morning liver and onions that we have been eating for breakfast for some time. Even her favorite cheese doesn't appeal to her right now.  Her friends who've had COVID tell her the fatigue lasts a long time. We may just need to be patient.


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